This class is currently in session. Please visit our home page calendar to see the complete class schedule.
Sundays from 10:30am – 11:30am
With Kadam Ethan Lechner
Cost: $10 (free with a Basic Membership)
This class is offered in-person only at the Center
Through training in meditation we can maintain a calm and happy mind in any circumstance. We offer a class on Sunday mornings that can help you relax, let go of difficult thoughts, and strengthen your mind to face the week. Join us on Sunday mornings for a light and inspiring meditation and a talk about the profound teachings of Buddha.
We are currently exploring the book, “How To Solve Our Human Problems”, by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. It is an examination of the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism.
- If you have a Monthly Membership with Kosala, this class is free to attend.
- If you don’t have a Monthly Membership with Kosala, we are asking for people to please pay the usual class cost, which is $10.
- We know that these are hard financial times for some people, so if you can’t pay the full amount, please pay what you can.
- You can pay by making a donation to Kosala through PayPal or by paying in person when you attend the class
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to class to find a seat and get comfortable. For the welfare of all, please don’t attend class if you’re sick.
Drop in anytime, everyone is welcome.
Questions? Please email us at